Today is Day 36! I can't believe this has lasted this long! lol
There are a couple exciting things going on!
1. Thanks to the smoothie, my rose is SUPER happy!
2. Blake's Oregano is sprouting! Yay!
3. My Hibiscus is coming back from the dead!!
4. The Zucchinis and Squash are blooming like crazy!
5. My tomatoes are still growing... painfully slowly.
6. MY WATERMELON HAS BLOOMED!! Look, a little boy flower!
7. My herbs are doing great! That Sage is so much happier now that it is no longer roomies with Basil!
All and all things are being things, doing their thing. :)
I'm waiting on my female watermelon flower to bloom so we can get some babies started! My zucchinis and squashes are growing, but I thought they would be getting big faster... I'm starting to wonder if my veggies are not getting enough nutrients. :-/ Thus are the difficulties of container gardening.
I think I really just need to go outside and actually spend some time out there. I mean, I have been doing my daily checkings and waterings, but I haven't really been spending quality time out there.
I am noticing an increase in bug activity out there and that makes me mad. I need to get some organic bug repellent going or something. I think I am going to spend sometime researching these bugs and find a way to safely remove them.
I also need to prune some of these Zucchini pants as well.. They are going crazy and they are starting to block sun from the other plants. :(
I guess I have the rest of my day planned out, huh?
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