Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome To The Contained Garden!


My name is Tiffany. Welcome to my blog on container gardening. Hopefully you will be reading about my successes and you will learn what to do (or maybe what not to do) in order to have a beautiful and plentiful container garden.

2012 is proving to be an interesting year: I am engaged to my best friend, I am back in college working on my second Bachelors (1st in Psychology, 2nd in Biology), AND I have taken up the hobby (more like Lifestyle) of gardening.

I live in Georgia and spring came early this year! Once it started warming up, I caught a bad case of cabin fever. About 2 weeks ago I was at the store and saw their generic display of herbs and vegetables for sale. Now, I have always had a (for lack of better verbiage) black thumb when it comes to plants. I always manage to kill them some how or another. However, for some reason I thought I would give vegetable gardening a try! So, about a week and a half ago I started my first full-on container garden!

Since becoming engaged, my fiancé and I have decided that we need to "bring sexy back" for our wedding. We have been eating right and working out. You know... doing the right things, making the right choices. We became engaged 01/09/12 (!!!) and since that date, we have been basically consuming our weights in meat and produce! Unfortunately for us, the grocery stores rarely put those two products on sale (nor do they have many coupons for meat and produce). This (and the cabin fever) have been the inspiration for the fabulous container garden. My thoughts are that if I can grow it, than that is one less thing we have to buy.

It is important to note that my fiancé and I live in a loft apartment downtown. We love our place but unfortunately, we have about 4' x 5' of outdoor space. This does not equate to much gardening space. So, this is proving to be quite a challenge but, challenges are meant to be conquered!

So, with all this in mind... WELCOME TO MY BLOG!

I will be using this blog as mostly an outlet. A place where I can come and (ramble) talk for endless amounts of time about my babies (AKA: plants). As proud of my garden as my fiancé is, I am sure he is quite tired of hearing the constant jibber jabber about my garden. So this blog is for him too.

BE WARNED: this blog is going to contain lots of pictures, a lot of comments and updates as my garden progresses, a few product reviews, and hopefully no failures.

So, thanks for reading and enjoying. :)

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